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As an essential manufacturer, we are open and fulfilling orders . Made In The USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Runaway Truck Ramp (Exit) Sign- W7-4B

SKU W7-4B-1
  • W7-4b Runaway Truck Ramp (exit) Sign
  • Reflective Sheeting on Aluminum
  • Radius Corners
  • 3/8" Prepunched Holes
  • High Intensity and Diamond Grade Meet DOT and MUTCD State and Federal Guidelines
  • MUTCD Information: Where applicable, truck escape (or runaway truck) ramp advance warning signs should be located approximately 1 mile, and 1/2 mile in advance of the grade, and of the ramp. A sign also should be placed at the gore.