Stop Signs- R1-1
SKU Stop Signs - R1-1 Signs-1
- R1-1 Stop Sign Signs
- MUTCD Regulations STOP and YIELD Signs and Plaques The STOP sign shall be an octagon with a white legend and border on a red background.
- Federal Highway Administration Purpose of a STOP Sign The STOP sign is a regulatory sign that is used when traffic is required to stop.
- 3M Reflective Sheeting on 5052-H38 Aluminum Best Quality Traffic Stop Signs
- 3/8" Prepunched Holes
- High Intensity and Diamond Grade Traffic Stop Signs Meet DOT and MUTCD State and Federal Guidelines (Engineer Grade Stop Signs DO NOT meet DOT and MUTCD State and Federal Guidelines)
- Traffic Stop Signs R1-1 can be used on roads, property and even for private use
- Buy your r1-1 stop signs from trafficsigns.com
- Stop Signs Made In the USA
- An r1-1 stop sign is a traffic sign to notify drivers that they must make sure no cars are coming and stop traffic before proceeding.